In the modern interconnected world, the importance of advancing gender equality cannot be overstated. Companies and public entities increasingly recognize their role in driving change and promoting inclusivity throughout their operations. One powerful approach to...
Women are significantly underrepresented in leadership positions of financial services. A new BCG global study finds that, although finance and accounting employ men and women equally, women hold only about one-third of senior finance positions. The discrepancy is...
190 million women work in global supply chains, 48% of the total workforce. They are mostly working in low skilled, low paid jobs at the beginning of the supply chain (production). Women face gender-specific impacts in all sectors, but are especially impacted in the...
Collecting gender-disaggregated data from suppliers by businesses is of key necessity. In order to identify human rights risks in the supply chain, it is important to collect information (data) that provides a better understanding and insight in the supply chain, all...