Social Dialogue for Gender Responsive Procurement

Social Dialogue for Gender Responsive Procurement

The International Labour Organization defines social dialogue as any and all types of negotiation, consultation or information exchange between social partners about economic or social issues. These social partners can include the government, business representatives,...
Supporting Women in Business

Supporting Women in Business

Female entrepreneurship has a lot to offer the market like innovation, leadership, skilled labour, potential for high profit and more. Creating opportunities for women in business to thrive will be highly beneficial to the economy. Also, creating an inclusive...
Sustainable Development Goals for the New Year

Sustainable Development Goals for the New Year

As the New Year has rolled around it’s a great time to start looking at improvements we can make on our business practices. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a perfect place to start if you are trying to achieve a more just and equal supply chain, and eliminate...

Why collect gender-disaggregated data from suppliers

Collecting gender-disaggregated data from suppliers by businesses is of key necessity. In order to identify human rights risks in the supply chain, it is important to collect information (data) that provides a better understanding and insight in the supply chain, all...
Business Benefits of Gender Responsive Procurement

Business Benefits of Gender Responsive Procurement

“Gender equality is directly linked to sustainable development and is vital to the realization of human rights.” This article sets out the key benefits of Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) What is Gender Responsive Procurement?  Gender-responsive procurement is...
Why is Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) important?

Why is Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) important?

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) defines Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) as “a process whereby all stakeholders in the procurement of goods, services or works take into account the needs and capacities of women...